Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cake Pops

Miss 5BN has a birthday in 2 weeks, we thought we would try Mrs Zippy Zippy's Recipe.  A trial run tonight at home was a success
Cake Pop pan
Ready for the Oven
Lid is on
The Overflow
Chocolate and a Twirl of Sprinkles

Not as fancy, but just as edible, the packet cake made 36 cake pops,
 1 block of Cadbury chocolate iced half the cake pops, and also used up many little half packets of sprinkles.
Appropriate for home or school lunches - certainly not for the retail trade though!


  1. Looking great - that's not the way I did it though - you must be thinking of someone else

    1. yes we had bought this pan, so best use it! otherwise would have used all your best ideas!
