Saturday, January 21, 2012

Middle Aged - Who Me?

Birthday Cake   Attempt at a Sponge!

I do not profess to be a Chef by anymeans, I am a basic cook, but the food is edible, and I would like to think-- reasonable plated and presentable at each meal.
Funnily enough --tipping the sponge out of the tin,  I noticed a sizeable portion stuck to the cake tin, undeterred I spack-filled the portion to the main cake with strawberry jam, covered the cake with cream and Mulberries  --  DELICIOUS.  every one had a second helping after the above photo  -- ALL GONE and no-one noticed the boo boo.

Mulberries straight from the Tree
 Mr 5BN had a birthday yesterday, this is the first time in 6 years we have been home for it, normally away at the Coast on holiday, but being home this year meant that we had a kitchen!!   It was a day of feasting, pancakes with a variety of  toppings for breakfast,  sponge for morning tea, dinner out to a lovely local restaurant for more food.
I was pondering--are we middle aged now -- when does being middle aged begin.
We decided that with the miracles of modern medicine and science,  that 60 may be the new middle age, we will all work to 90, and expect to live to 120yrs, -- sound daunting!!  Means a few more years until middle age may be applicable in this household!!

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